1. The Power of Six 4/5
I really enjoyed this one more than the first book in the series. In the second installment John, Six, and Sam are pretty much just running for their lifes around the States. Lots of drama and close calls.
We also meet a new number, Seven. She is living in Spain with her Cepan (guardian person). Her perspective was really interesting and I loved figuring things out with her along the way.
Like the first book, all the action is at the end of the book. Lots of action and drama. People lying, escaping, suicide missions, guns, fire... you name it, it probably happened.
At the end only Five and Eight have not been found. Excited for the next one!
2. Lola and the Boy Next Door 5/5
Ok so I loved the first book by Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss, and this one was amazing too. I mean I obviously knew how it was going to end, but still so good. Lola was pretty cool. I loved the idea of someone walking around in a different "costume" each day, with wigs and everything. Cricket was friggin adorable! The notes on his hands and his crazy style of clothes. Max was a jerk, duh! Trust me I would know a jerk when I see them since I have dated plenty of them.
The story followed Lola pretty much fighting against herself and her feelings. She had to grow up and learn to be herself.
Loved the continuity between Perkins first book and this one. I enjoyed reading about Anna and St. Clair again.
3. The Walking Dead Volume 7 The Calm Before 4/5
This one picked up right where the other left off. Everything is pretty calm (hence the title). Lori starts to tell Rick about her and Shane but Rick shuts her down. Not a very typical response but ok. Anyway as expected Lori has her baby, they give it a stupid name, and everything is still ok.
My one problem with this volume (like most of the volumes or books before this) is the conversation. It doesn't seem realistic. Maybe I just don't know people who would talk like this. It is enough to bother me throughout the entire series.
The next volume, if I ever can get it in from the library, will be very interesting. Waiting impatiently to see.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Volume 1 4/5
This starts by telling a little backstory on Spike and Drusilla. Which was interesting.
The main part of the book was about Buffy and what she went through before coming to Sunnydale. Good history for Buffy and something that would have been great on the show.
One major complaint is the artwork was hard to follow at times. Some characters looked very similar and were hard to tell apart.
5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Volume 2 4/5
I personally liked volume 1 more than this volume, but it was still a good addition to the Buffy-verse.
This volume focused on stories that would be happening before the first season, all the way through the third season. I loved that James Marsters wrote one of the comics in this volume, and that he wrote about Dru and Spike.
My one main issue is that this volume spans a large amount of time and it was hard to keep up at times.
Overall I liked it, and I am ready for volume 3.
6. Tortured (Birthmarked Series 1.5) 5/5
This was a really quick read for me. I have not read Prized yet and it has been a while since I read Birthmarked, so this was a good way for me to get back into the story before I start the second book.
This book picks up with Leo after he has been tortured for 4 days. He is tended to by his stepmother and given supplies to help him make it to Gaia. Should be interesting to read Prized and see he can catch up with her and her sister.
7/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Volume 3 4/5
This edition of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus takes place during the 3rd season (again). This installment was not my favorite of the three I have read so far, but I gave it the same grade because it is part of the Buffy universe and I didnt hate it so...
My main problem with this one was the artwork. It was very inconsistent within the stories even. The characters didn't even look like themselves. And I know art isnt perfect but come on.
8. 501 Must-See Movies 5/5
While I did not read every movie description, I did learn a lot. I made a nice list of movies that I want to see now, thanks to this book. Excited to start watching.
While I did think some movies were missing from the list (most notably Fight Club), there were a lot of great movies listed.
9. Georgia Bottoms 5/5
Ok I loved this book. I was zipping through it, I liked it so much. Was going to finish it in one day, I liked it so much. But I came across 2 pages ripped out of the book! Damn you Nola Brantley Library!
Obviously I did not want to finish reading a book with missing pages. I had to find another copy at another library. And finally I did. And I loved the ending!
Georgia was crazy. Like seriously. Way too many pins in the air to be juggling. That many men? Crazy!
Loved this one more than Childress' first book One Mississippi.
10. The Game of Thrones 5/5
11. Hana (Delirium 1.5) 4/5
Did not enjoy Hana's perspective as much as I thought I would. Oh well. Ready for the sequel to be here.
12. The Sunnydale High School Yearbook 4/5
I really loved the look of this book. I loved the signatures in the front and back covers, like in a real yearbook. The notes throughout and the pictures added were nice too.
My one main issue, which made me take away a star, is that some of the articles in the book had nothing to really do with series it seems.
Overall great and quick read. Might need to own this, just because it belongs in the Buffyverse.
13. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol. 4 3.5/5
As with all the other volumes, my main complaint is the artwork. It was actually difficult to see which characters were who. I understand that it can't be perfect, but come on.
Anyway I liked the storylines. Though I did feel like the first story was a little long.
Good overall.
14. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol. 6 4/5
Good stories. Some things I missed since I havent been able to read Volume 5. But still good. Artwork still gets an "f".